Last updated and takes effect from 12 July 2024.
These General Betting Rules ("these Rules") apply to all bets placed with Picklebet. These Rules are subject to any sport, event or product specific rules that may also apply to your bet.
Please refer to our Racing Rules for specific rules that apply to bets on Australian and international thoroughbred, harness and greyhound racing events. Please refer to our Individual Sport, Esport & Novelty Rules for specific rules that apply to bets on specific sport, esport and novelty events.
1. General
1.1 These are the Betting Rules of Picklebet (“Picklebet”). Picklebet is owned and operated by Puntaa Pty Ltd (“Puntaa”). Puntaa is licensed as a Sports Bookmaker in the Northern Territory, Australia, by the Northern Territory Racing and Wagering Commission (the "NTRWC").
1.2 These Rules shall be read in conjunction with the Terms and Conditions, which apply to your use of the Picklebet Service provided in whatever form, on this Application (the “Application”) or this Website (the “Website”) (as the case may be) and through whatever delivery mechanism offered.
1.3 These Rules come into force immediately upon acceptance by you, indicating that you agree with and accept to be bound by its terms. You are advised to read these rules carefully. Your continued use of the Application and/or Website means that you accept these rules, which form a binding legal agreement between you and Picklebet. If you do not agree to be bound by them, you should exit the Application and/or the Website immediately.
2. Definitions
For the purpose of the Service, the following definitions apply:
Account means a single account created by a User.
Accepted means a Bet placed and confirmed by a User and approved by Us.
All In Run Or Not means an ante post Bet, which requires the User’s Selection to participate in the Event. If the Selection does not participate the User’s Stake will not be refunded.
Alternative Stake means an adjusted Stake amount offered to a User on a Rejected Bet.
Bet means a User Staking an amount of money against Us on the basis of the Outcome of one or more Selections.
Betting Rules refers to these General Betting Rules and any sport, event or product specific rules that may also apply to your bet, including under our Racing Rules or our Individual Sport, Esport & Novelty Rules.
Bettor means a User who has placed a Bet.
Bet Slip means the ticket where all your bet's information – including Markets, Odds and Stakes are displayed. Here you can also see your estimated Payout and check the details of your Bets before actually placing them.
Cancelled means an Accepted Bet which is cancelled by Us for a range of reasons, including but not limited to a cancelled, abandoned or postponed Event, obvious pricing error, and technical issues. A Cancelled Bet will result in the Stake refunded to the User.
CS:GO means Counter-Strike: Global Offensive.
Dead Heat means a result in which two or more Players and/or Teams finish on an identical result.
Dota2 means Defence of the Ancients 2.
Draw means where two or more Teams or Players finish on the same number of points / result at the end of regulation time.
Entry ID means the unique identifying number for a Bet ticket submitted by a User.
Esport means professional competition held in relation to a esport, including, but not limited to the following sports; LoL, DOTA2 and CS:GO.
Event means a Match or Esports tournament, run by a recognised professional League.
League means an organisation that governs and runs Events in relation to Esports.
Live means the status of Bet in which the first Match related to the first Selection has commenced.
LoL means League of Legends.
Lost means a Settled Bet which results in at least one Selection comprising the Bet losing, and the Stake transferred from the User to Us.
Market means all the available Outcomes on which a User can make a Selection from for each available Event.
Match means a type of Event in which two or more Teams and / or Players, compete against each other over one or multiple Rounds.
Multi means a Bet with two or more Selections.
Odds means the pricing on an Outcome which determines the potential Payout for a Bet. Multiply the Stake by the Odds (combined Odds in the case of a Multi) to calculate the potential Payout.
Outcome means one of the possible outcomes available on a Market that a Bettor may Select to build a Bet. For example, on a win market, the outcomes available to Select are limited a win outcome on each Team.
Outright markets means a Bet placed on the outcome of an entire Tournament or League season.
Payout means the Stake combined with the Winnings, that a User will receive from a Won Bet.
Player means a professional player competing in a Team in an Event.
Pre-match means the time period prior to the commencement of a Match.
Rejected means a Bet placed and confirmed by a User and declined by Us. The Bet may be rejected for a range of reasons including, but not limited to insufficient funds, insufficient Stake, exceeding a single or daily bet limit, exceeding a maximum Payout limit, an Odds change, a suspended or non-active market, Related Contingency, and system timeout.
Related Contingency means a Multi Bet where the result of one Selection can contribute to the outcome of another Selection.
Round means an individual game Teams play against each other as a subset of a Match.
Single means an Accepted Bet with one Selection.
Stake means the amount placed and risked by a User on a Bet.
Settled means that all of the Events related to Selections in a Bet has been completed and officially resulted by Picklebet, A Settled Bet may be Won, Lost or Voided.
Selection means the Outcome picked by a User from an available Market.
Status means the state of a Bet (Accepted, Rejected, Cancelled, Void, Won, Lost).
Team means a professional organisation of Players competing in an Event.
Time Left means the time remaining before a Market goes Live, displayed in a countdown timer format.
Payout means the combination of the Stake and Winnings paid to User of a Won Bet. This number may be adjusted when Selections in a Won Bet are Voided.
Undecided means a Selection in an Accepted Bet, which has yet to Won, Lost, Cancelled, or Voided.
User means the individual with a registered Account, using the Service.
Void means a Selection which cannot be resulted as either a win or loss. For example, the Event related to the Selection is resulted as Cancelled, Abandoned or Postponed.
Voided means a Settled Bet in which all Selections are resulted as Void.
Won means a Settled Bet which results in all the Selections comprising the Bet resulting in either a win or Voided status, and a resulting Payout to the User.
Winnings means amount of profit amount transferred from Us to the User of a Won Bet. It does not includes the Stake returned to the User as part of the Payout.
3. Placing a Bet
3.1 You must have an Account in order to place a Bet. In the event you do not have an existing Account you will be required to register and create an Account.
3.2 You can view and make Selections from a list of Outcomes on Pre-match Markets.
3.3 You may create and place one or more Single Bets, or a Multi Bet from a single Bet Slip transaction.
3.4 We reserve the right to change the Odds on offer for an Outcome at any time prior to the start time of the Event.
3.5 We may Accept or Reject each individual Bet placed, independent of each other Bet submitted.
3.6 A Bet will be considered Accepted, when You receive a ‘Bet Accepted’ confirmation message from Us, including the unique Entry ID.
3.7 We reserve the right to Reject your Bet for any reason, without justification or compensation.
3.8 In the event we Reject your Bet, we may offer you an Alternative Stake.
3.9 Once your Bet is Accepted, You cannot Cancel it and redeem your Stake.
4. Betting Deadlines
4.1 Pre-match Selections can be Accepted up to the start time indicated on the Market, which may not correspond to the start time of the Event.
4.2 If a Selection, for whatever reason, is Accepted, after the start of an Event, including owing to content timing errors or revised start times, We reserve the right to Void that Selection.
4.3 We reserve the right to suspend or close Markets before their scheduled start time.
4.4 You cannot make Selections from suspended, closed or non-active Markets.
4.5 If You have been paid Winnings in error due to Rule 4.2 above, You agree that We will Void the relevant Selection and notify You about the Winnings paid in error. When the relevant Selection is Voided, and the rollback results in your Available balance adjusting to a negative amount (due to User re-staking or withdrawing Winnings paid in error), the amount required to return the Available balance to zero dollars, is immediately due and payable.
5. Market Listing
5.1 The designated home Team appears on the left hand side and the designated away Team appears on the right hand side of an Event, unless otherwise stated.
5.2 In the event of a Match taking place at a neutral venue or where no home team is declared, the Team listed on the left hand side is the designated home Team for betting purposes and the Team listed on the right hand side is the designated away Team for betting purposes.
5.3 In the situation where the Event is played at a venue different to that officially listed, all Selections on the Event will be considered Void, unless specified otherwise.
6. Abandonments, Cancellations & Postponements
6.1 Any Match, Event or competition which is abandoned, cancelled or otherwise prior to the full statutory time regulated, will be considered Void. All Bets on decided outcomes will stand, any undecided outcomes will be considered Void.
6.2 Any Match, Event or competition which has one or more maps abandoned, cancelled or forfeited, will be considered Void.
6.3 Any Match, Event or competition which is cancelled or postponed more than 48 hours from its scheduled start time, will be considered Void, unless specified otherwise.
7. Outright Markets
7.1 Outright Markets are considered All In Run or Not and therefore will be Settled as a Loss if a User's Selection does not take part in the Event.
7.2 Dead Heat rules apply.
7.3 Unless stated otherwise, whenever the organising association deems it fit to include any necessary Rounds, Matches, or series of Matches following the end of the regular season (e.g. Playoffs / Postseason) in order to determine the classification or winners, We will take into account the result and outcomes for Bet Settlement.
7.4 For example, an outright Bet on a Team to win the League of Legends World Championship series refers the eventual winner of World Championship.
7.5 All Bets are Settled on the basis of the award ceremony or the competitions' official score sheet, without taking into consideration the results of any subsequent investigations or disqualifications.
8. Related Contingencies
8.1 A Related Contingency is a Multi Bet where the outcome of one Selection can contribute to the outcome of another Selection. For example, a Selection for a Team to win their League of Legends World Championships Semi Final, combined with a Selection with the same Team to win the entire Event.
8.2 We reserve the right to determine which Bets are a Related Contingency.
8.3 We may Reject Multi Bets which have Related Contingency and reserve the right to Cancel, at our discretion, Multi Bets placed on Related Contingencies.
8.4 In certain instances, We will make available combinations of Related Contingencies for Users to place Multi Bets on.
8.5 In instances where a Bet with a Related Contingency has been Accepted in error, We will Cancel the Multi Bet placed and return the Stake to the User.
9. Dead Heat Rule
9.1 In the event of at least two competitors being declared the winner (a Dead Heat), the number of paying places remaining after clear winners are settled is divided by the number of users sharing those places. The Odds for the Selection are then multiplied by this number (referred to as the Dead Heat Factor).
9.2 For example, in a competition with 5 paying places, the top two competitors are settled as winners, while four competitors share third place. Since there are only three remaining paying places for these four competitors, the Outcome Odds for each competitor are multiplied by a dead heat factor of 0.75 (3 / 4 = 0.75).
9.3 In the event of a Dead Heat applying to a selection in a Same Game Multi, the Odds for the entire Same Game Multi will be multiplied by the Dead Heat Factor.
10. Push Rule (2-way Markets)
10.1 In the event of a two-competitor betting market resulting in an outcome that was not offered (such as a draw in a head-to-head market), both bettable outcomes will be void.
10.2 If the outcome forms part of a Multi, it will be settled in accordance with Rule 13.
11. Head to Head & 3-way Markets
11.1 Unless otherwise stated:
(a) At least one competitor must finish the Event or that Selection is considered Void;
(b) If one or more competitor(s) fail to start the Selection is considered Void;
(c) If all competitors are disqualified or otherwise excluded the Selection is considered Void;
(d) If both competitors in a head to head achieve the same result and no Draw Outcome is offered then the Selection is considered Void.
(e) A Draw is determined at the end of regulation time, unless extra time is explicitly stated in the Market description.
12. Period Markets
12.1 Unless otherwise stated, only points scored in the respective round / period / Match will count towards Settlement of the relevant Market.
13. Multi-bets
13.1 A Multi is where you combine more than one betting selection (known as a ‘leg’) into the bet, and where all of the legs must win for your bet to be paid out as a winner. Odds for Multi bets (other than a Same Game or Same Race Multis) are calculated by multiplying the odds for each individual leg in the Multi.
13.2 A Same Game Multi allows you to combine more than one leg from markets within the same match or event. Picklebet may offer Same Game Multis on selected sports. Odds for a Same Game Multi will not be a simple multiplication of odds for the individual legs, as the outcomes of legs are often related contingencies.
13.3 If a leg in a Multi bet is cancelled or void due to the rules that apply to that leg’s market, then:
(a) Multi bets containing the void outcome as a single Selection will be recalculated with the void leg adjusted to $1 odds.
(b) Stand-alone Same Game Multi bets including the void outcome will be void entirely and the Stake refunded to the user.
(c) Same Game Multi bets combined with one or more other outcomes to form a larger Multi bet will have the individual Same Game Multi leg void and the multi bet will be recalculated with the void leg adjusted to $1 odds. Noting that the Same Game Multi is treated as a single leg.
14. Odd/ Even Markets
14.1 Unless otherwise stated, total counts of zero will be settled as Even.
15. Results and Payouts
15.1 All Bets will be Settled at the fixed Odds on offer when the Bet was placed and Accepted, other than for a Multi Bet with one or more Void Selections per Rule 13 above.
15.2 All Bets will be Settled at the end of regulation time, unless extra time is specified in the Market description or there is a sport specific rule stated below which will supersede this rule. For the avoidance of doubt, where a more specific rule exists for a particular event or product then the more specific rule will apply.
15.3 Picklebet utilises third party data suppliers, who provide official statistics and results for each Event. Picklebet hold no responsibility for any errors in results and statistics provided by these operators.
15.4 The Resulting of a Bet will not be changed regardless of any official statistics or scoring adjustments made by the Leagues or third party data providers at later times or dates, except in Our sole discretion.
15.5 To the extent that we offer 'live' statistics during gameplay, all 'live' statistics and other information provided through the Picklebet website and related information sources are unofficial. Live sports statistics and their respective components are offered for informational and/or entertainment purposes only and are not used to determine Bet results. While We and the third parties used to provide the Service use reasonable efforts to include accurate and up-to-date information, neither We nor our third party data providers warrant or make any representations of any kind with respect to the information provided through the Picklebet website and related information sources.
15.6 Bets will be determined, only once an Event has been officially Resulted, to ensure that the data provided is verified and correct. Bets will be resulted immediately upon receiving the official results of the final Selection, except in circumstances where technical failure, or other reasons prevent such timely resulting.
15.7 A Won Bet will result in a Payout to the User.
15.8 Payouts will be credited to the User’s Available balance in their Wallet.
15.9 A Payout is non-transferable and non-assignable.
15.10 Where an error occurs through the provision of incorrect statistics or results from our Third Party Data Suppliers, or a mistake made by Us, we reserve the right to revise the Settlement outcome and corresponding Payout to Users, after the Settlement of the Bet.
15.11 Any transactions completed by a minor shall be forfeited.
16. Betting Rules
16.1 Each Bet will run in accordance with the Terms and Conditions and the applicable Betting Rules.
16.2 We may place restrictions on the number, Stake amount, or Payout, of Bets a User may submit, at our discretion.
16.3 All Bets You place which are Accepted by Us, are placed, Accepted and processed in the Northern Territory.
16.4 Where a dispute exists concerning the outcome of a Bet, Our decision is final and binding, subject to a Users recourse with the NTRWC. Please see our Customer Query, Dispute and Complaint Policy.
17. Disqualification, Errors and Cancellation
17.1 A User’s Bet can be Cancelled at any point in time where they fail to comply with Our Terms and Conditions or Betting Rules, or at Our absolute discretion.
17.2 We reserve the right to Cancel or alter the terms of any Bet, at Our discretion.
17.3 We reserve the right to Cancel a Bet where an obvious error has occurred in the entry of Odds and/or results (e.g. a mistaken inversion of Teams, Odds, results etc.) and reimburse Users their Stake.
17.4 You agree that We may retrospectively Void or adjust the outcome of a Settled Bet due to technical error, fraud, or a significant change in results or statistics from our Third Party Data Providers. You agree that the Payout for such a bet will be redeemable from your Wallet funds, or that we will be entitled to a repayment from You in relation to the Bet, where it has been withdrawn from Your Wallet, where an amount is outstanding due to the adjustment.
18. Outrights (General)
18.1 Outright markets are considered All In Run Or Not and therefore will be settled as a loss if the selection does not take part in the event. Dead Heat rules apply.
18.2 Unless stated otherwise, whenever the organizing association deems it fit to include any necessary rounds, matches, or series of matches (e.g. Play-offs, Play-outs, Postseason) following the end of the so-called Regular Season in order to determine the classification, league winners, promotion/relegation, etc., Picklebet will take into account the results and outcomes deriving from these matches for settlement purposes of bets referring to the final league classification, promotion,
relegation, etc. For example, seasonal bets on the team winning the NHL will refer to the Stanley Cup Winners.
18.3 All bets are settled on the basis of the award ceremony or the competition’s official score-sheet,
without taking into consideration the results of any subsequent investigations or disqualifications.