Rejected bets can happen for a range of reasons. You will be notified in the Betslip with a red error message, along with the reason your bet was rejected.
The reasons for rejection include:
Exceeded Daily Bet Amount
You exceeded the daily amount you can cumulatively stake on bets.
Exceeded Single Bet Amount
You exceeded the maximum individual amount you can stake on a single bet.
Insufficient Funds
You have insufficient funds to make this bet. You need to deposit additional funds or reduce your stake to ensure you have sufficient funds in your available balance.
Non-Active Market
The market you are trying to bet on is no longer active. It was suspended or closed.
Odds Change
The odds changed while your selected outcome sat in the Betslip.
You will need to accept an odds adjustment in order to place the bet.
Related Contingencies
The selections are related and can not be combined. This error message will appear if you try and bet on both sides of a match when placing single or a multi-bet.
Insufficient Stake
Your stake on the bet was below the $0.20 AUS threshold.
Our server has timed out trying to place the bet. Try again or contact support.
Something out of the ordinary has happened and our support team will look into it ASAP.
When you receive one of these rejection messages, we will often provide you with an alternative solution, so you can place your bet with an adjustment.
If you get an error message that is not listed above or are confused about a certain error message, contact us via Live Chat or by emailing